Wednesday, October 12, 2011

First Blog Post - 9/11 trutherism rant

I've blogged before, but I'm going to try and put my thoughts down on this blog. The first thing I feel like talking about is 9/11 trutherism. I feel as though, the "truthers" really don't know what truth is. To them the truth is a convoluted web of lies that permeate a competent government. I'm not going to make arguments about how the buildings did not collapse because they were melted, or that the counter argument would be that the towers wouldn't need to have melted support beams, but the fires would just need to get it hot enough to weaken the structure to create failure under such heavy weight.

I'm not here to talk about the black box controversy, the fact that one of the towers certainty only LOOKED like it fell at free fall speed, however with a different camera angle you can see when the building actually started collapsing and it did not fall at free fall speed. None of those are really relevant to what I'm about to suggest here.

My argument to why 9/11 trutherism is based on a false premise is as simple as it is complex. What makes it simple, is that structurally you would have to assume a LOT of things in order to hold the belief that the U.S. Government caused 9/11.

One of the things you'd have to believe is that Clinton was in on it and a party to the "lie" of "Bin Laden Determined to Attack the U.S." evidence we have from his administration. You'd have to believe that Bin Laden was complicit in some way. Whether they were taking credit for a crime they didn't commit or they were assisted by the U.S. federal government and the Bill Clinton Administration. You'd also have to believe that when Ahmadinejad stated that September 11, 2001 attacks (9/11) was staged by our own government, to ensure Israel's survival, that the Al Qaeda response was also faked by the U.S. Government or that Al Qaeda is in part owned or operated in party by the U.S. Government.

You would HAVE to believe that because otherwise there's no sense as to why Al Qaeda would want to take credit for it. Al Qaeda literally argued against Ahmadinejad that the U.S. did not stage the 9/11 attacks. So the conspiracy would have to stretch not only from Bill Clinton's Presidency. but also to the point that our Government is also controlling the very people our military is fighting against that, and this entire time the conspiracy has not had any major leaks,. not even from Wiki Leaks. There has also not been any one in the government to really leak any evidence that the U.S. caused 9/11 from what I understand.

Let us not forget that you must also believe that both Republicans and Democrats are working together to keep this truth? WTF? Since when do they work together on anything? Also why would America's special team., have gone into Osama's hideout, and killed him there? Why kill him at all if Bush stopped seeing the need to and no one was really talking about him anymore? Let's not forget that Osama Bin Laden was funding terrorism long before this. None of it really adds up.

So what are you going to believe? This massive conspiracy that started a decade ago and has held together just fine which includes terrorists being owned or operated in part by the U.S. so that America could go to war with whoever they pleased and that this government is amazingly competent cohesive and able to keep anyone from speaking out?

Or are you willing to believe that some moderately trained terrorists, hit us when our guard was down because our government was inept under an inept commander in chief?

In this situation I opt for Occam's Razor in which, when there are 2 competing theories, the one that is the most convoluted is ruled out. There is just not sufficient enough evidence for me to believe that the government is this well oiled propaganda machine on this 1 subject when almost no other subject is handled in such a way. I therefor can only believe that our government was inept back then under Bush, and inept now.

I don't have faith in the ability for our government to be that secretive about the subject for that long. Some whistle blower would have cropped up in my opinion.

This is all besides the point though. What does it even matter? The wars we are fighting are not justified either way, they are not helping us either way, and they are not befitting us either way. The point is we need to stop policing the world and we need to drastically cut back military spending so we CAN pay for the things we DO need. Like better education, better health care, better food, better roads, better bridges, anything is better than spending 10s if not hundreds of billions just on the air conditioning in countries we have a militaristic presence in. The 9/11 trutherism crap is just dividing 2 groups that want the damn wars to end anyway. So why are we arguing over conspiracy theories, when the end result is to end wars that no one of intellect, really seems to support heavily, granted a few exceptions.

Whether the government is that amazingly well run and able to keep silent on this issue, or whether they were inept enough and incapable of organizing information well enough to prevent the attacks in the first place, one fact remains. We are ultimately in big trouble.

This is not meant to be a formal rebuttal to 9/11 truthers. Just a statement of the way I see the facts.